The Who , What, Where, and When

Hello! Welcome to my new small corner of the internet!

I mean, blogs are not new to me, but this blog is new to me. 

That is a lie. I started this blog in 2021, couldn't keep things moving with it, deleted the few existing entries, and recycled it into the form you see now.

And to call it my corner of the internet feels a bit untrue because I do also have an Instagram account and an Etsy shop and a Facebook account and a lurker Reddit account... I don't know if anybody lays claim to just a corner of the internet anymore these days.

Okay, let me start over. 

Hello! Welcome to my new little project! Yes, that feels more accurate.

So, just what is my "new little project"? Well, I'll be using these first two entries as answers to the five customary journalistic questions: Who? What? When? Why? and Where? (and I'll be adding How? to the list.) I'll answer four of them this week (check the title) and the final two next week.

So, to begin with... Who? Well, me. And who am I? My name is Stephanie and I am a creative human. I would say "I'm an artist," because after all, I create art. Therefore, I am an artist, right? I think I can do that in my own head, but putting it in writing on the internet makes me feel a bit... uneasy. So I guess I'll stick with "creative human." 

I am a creative human who is approaching the mid-century mark and I feel like I've been a creative human all my life. I've always loved to draw and write stories and make things. I can remember the irresistible pull of a certain volume of the Childcraft Encyclopedia set that my grandparents had in their sitting room. None of the other volumes interested me, but I could sit for hours poring over the Make and Do volume. Art class was my favorite part of school and I spent a long time perfecting the art of drawing unicorns.

Currently, I create and sell embroidery art and I enjoy drawing, both traditionally and digitally. But I'll get more into where I think I am on my artistic journey in my next week's entry.

So, that's me, briefly. Now, on to the What?

I have decided to dedicate this year, 2022, to my own artistic growth and development. I really want to lean into showing up and practicing, practicing, practicing. So, What is this? It's a blog that's meant to document my year of growth. Of course, I don't think that my artistic growth is going to be over and done with at the end of 2022, as if I will have reached my pinnacle or something. I just know that this year I want my main focus to be on growing as an artist, and improving my art, and I don't feel like I've ever really done that so I want to document it, at least for one year. I'm calling it "Operation: Level Up My Art."

So, that brings me to Where and When. And Where is kind of anticlimactic, actually, because the answer is just... here. On this blog. The answer to the question of When is: once a week. On Wednesdays. Again, a little boring in terms of answers, but I'm just establishing things here. I'll get into the more meaty questions next Wednesday. Why? And How? 

If you're interested in following along on my little journey, seeing what I'm up to and what I have to say, I'd be glad to have you along. I hope I can offer some inspiration or at the very least a bit of a distraction from a world that currently feels overwhelming. I'm excited to see what's in store!


  1. Sweet! I miss reading your old unschooling mama blog you used to keep. Love you Steph


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